Multipurpose Blog Pro

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File Structure

The template bundle that you downloaded is divided into various directories. Let's examine the contents of each folder:

  • Screenshots -   contains template screenshot. Not for production.
  • theme -contains wordpress theme files
  • "" -All of the files required for the theme are in this folder.
  • "license.txt" -contains license details
  • "readme.txt" -provide details on the theme's image paths, font usage, and script usage.

BWT Key Activation

The steps for activating a BWT key are as follows.

Given that you will receive the License Key via Email, use that key to Activate License.

Follow the following Process to Activate License.

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >>BWT Key Activation>>Enter Key>>Save Changes.

After Entering The Key >> Activate Licence.

After you Activate Licence,the key will be active and then you can Getstarted with the Theme.

In this way you can activate your Licence Key.

Template Installation

Installing a template is a simple process. There are two ways to complete the installation process.

1-Install a theme using wordpress admin

Logging into your WordPress admin area is the first thing you should do. later, click on

1.Go to the menu Appearance >> Themes

2. Once you are on the themes page, click on the Add New button at the top.

3. Click on upload theme button.

4. Choose your bwt-multipurpose-blog theme by clicking the Browse button, and then click the Install Now button.

5. Your theme will now be installed by WordPress, and you will see a success message with a link to activate it or view a live preview.

Congrats! Your theme has been installed successfully.

Section Color/Font Pallette

The method of changing the colour or font is quite simple. These choices are available in all customizer areas. It is a comprehensive graphic that demonstrates the typeface and colour palette. You can change the colour and font of the headings, paragraphs, and buttons with a single quick click.

Depending on the number of options accessible in each area, there is an option to change the colour scheme for the headings, title/text, paragraphs, button text, and button background.

Default Color/Font settings

Demo Importer

To set up your theme, simply click to import sample content. You can follow the instructions in this article to develop your website for website creation.

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Get started

Click on"Demo Importer" and then "Run Importer".

How to set up Home Page

Setup "Home page".

Create Page to set template:Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New Page.

You can label it anything you like, such as "home." then pick the "home-page" template from the template menu.

Set the front page:Go to Setting -> Reading --> Set the post page display static page to home page

When you're finished, you can view the entire demo on the top page.

Setup Top Bar

In order to proceed with Top Bar,

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >>Top bar section

Observe these guidelines to setup top bar.

  • Setting Options: includes options for enabling and disabling topbar display. This environment is crucial. If you want this area on your website, turn it on; otherwise, turn it off. This setting is depicted in the screenshot below.
  • Background Color Option : contains options for backdrop colours for different section layouts.
  • Social Icon Color Option: contains options for social icon colours for a particular icon.
  • Social Icons: You can add links here to have social media icons appear on the top bar.
  • Search Box: The search box is present by default, but you can make it active using the Customizer.
  • For Navigation: Have a look at the Setup Navigation tab in this section.

    Go To >> Appearance >> Menus.

    Your output will look like this.

Setup Slider

In order to proceed with slider

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >>Slider Settings

Observe these guidelines to set-up slider.

  • Number of sliders to show: Let you to choose how many sliders to display.
  • Slider Image: The images for the slider can be set here.
  • Slide Title: The slider's title can be customised here.
  • Slide Description: You can add a description to the slider here.
  • Slider Link: You can insert the button link here.

Setup Our Latest Categories

In order to proceed with Our Latest categories,

Go to Dashboard >> Post >> Categories >> Add New

For each post, you must add a new category in this section.

2-Go to Dashboard >> Post >> Add New

You can create new posts in this section, You can add a title, content, image, and the category you added to the post. Here, options are further described in accordance with the sections to which they belong:

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> Top categories Section

  • Setting Options : includes options to activate or prevent the presentation of the top categories.
  • Add Section Title: Provides potential titles for this particular section.
  • Number of Category to show: Give you the option to choose how many categories to display.
  • Select Categories Option: From this point, you can choose the category you want to show.
  • Heading Color and Font Family Option: Provides settings for header colour and font family.
  • Box Heading Color and Font Family Option: Options for heading colour and font family are provided for each category box.
  • Category Background Image Option: contains options for backdrop images for a particular category.
  • Box Background Color on hover Option: has settings for the category box's background colour when hovered over.

Setup About Section

In order to proceed with about section.

Go To >> Appearance >> Customize >> About section.

Setup Post Section

You must first add Posts and categories to this Post section.

Go To >> Dashboard >> Posts >> Category >> Add new.

Go To >> Dashboard >> Posts >> Add new.

Here you need to assign the category to the post.

Repeat the same step if you want to add more post.

Follow the below steps to customize this section :

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >>Post Section

Via the customizer in this section, you can enable or disable the "Category Title," "Post Name," "Author," "Publication date," "Comments," "Post Thumbnail," "Post Content," and "Social Sharing" on your Post. Here, options are further described in accordance with the sections to which they belong:

  • Setting Options : includes options to allow or deactivate the display of the post section.
  • Post Box Background Color option: contains settings for the box background colour for the given post.
  • Category Title Color and Font Family Option: Options for title colour and font family are provided for each category.
  • Post Title Color and Font Family Option: Options for an individual post's title colour and font family are included.
  • Post Content Color and Font Family Option: contains settings for the content's colour and font family for a certain post.

Setup Home Page Sidebar Section

This section is coming from the widget sidebar

Go To >> Appearance >> Widgets.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> HomePage Sidebar

The admin panel widget section will be used to build up these sections. Add whatever widget you want to see in the sidebar on the home page.

The search box is available by default, but you can remove it using the Customizer.

Setup Instagram Section

You must first install the Instagram Feed Plugin in order to continue with the Instagram section..

Refer to the screenshot for better understanding.

Go To >> Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add Plugins.

The Instagram option will show up on the dashboard after installation.

The shortcode must be copied and pasted in the customizer using the option found in the Instagram section.

This is how the Instagrm Section will look on the page.

Setup Contact Us Page

Your WordPress account should now have the contact form 7 plugin. Turn on the plugin, then make your own form. Copy the shortcode after you are finished.

Then Go to Dashboard >> Contact >> Contact Forms

To display the contact page, you must first choose the contact template.

Go to Pages -> Add New Add title "Contact" and select the template "Contact".

Open the newly formed page, then add the shortcode using the page editor. Ensure that "Text" is enabled.

Additionally, it has customization options for the following:

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Themes Settings >> Contact Us

  • Setting Options: includes options for enabling and disabling the display of the contact us section.
  • Section Heading: For this section, you can add a header here.
  • Title and Content Option: For each area, you may add a title and content.
  • Icon Option: Icon Image option is there, and adding icons is simple using the customizer.
  • Latitude and Longitude Option: On the Google map, you can put your address' latitude and longitude.

Setup About Us Page

In order to proceed with About Us Page,

Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New

To display the about page, you must first choose the template for the page.

Any content you upload to the editor for your about page will be shown at the top of the page.

Additionally, it has customization options for the following:

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Themes Settings >> About Us Page

  • Setting Options : Includes options for enabling and disabling the display of the about section.
  • Quotes Content Let you to specify which sections of the information should be displayed.
  • Quotes Image: Let you to specify which section(s) should display the quote image.
  • Social Media Option: includes options for adding social media urls.


With plugins, you can increase and expand the functionality of WordPress.

How to activate plugins

If you want these features in your theme, you must activate the plugin. To enable the plugin in your theme, follow these instructions.

Go to Plugins >> Installed Plugins >> Plugin Name >>Activate

There are now three plugins total. Refer to the graphic below for a better understanding.

2. BWT Ecommerce Solution Pro Posttype Plugin

For the Testimonials area, the BWT Ecommerce Solution Pro Posttype plugin has been implemented. Refer to the accompanying figure for a better understanding.

Testimonial Section

Observe these guidelines to setup Testimonials.

Enter the post name, contents, and featured image in the Testimonials section when adding a new post. then select "Publish."

Page Templates and sidebars

Page Templates

  • Default Template (the default page template with a right sidebar position)
  • Page (Left Sidebar) (a page templates with left sidebar position)
  • Page (Right Sidebar) (a page template with right sidebar position)
  • Blog (Full Width) (a blog templates with one column without sidebar)
  • Contact Template (the default Contact template with no sidebar position)
  • Home Page Template (the default home page template with right sidebar position)

Post, Categories and Post Formats

Adding category

Here is the list of created categories

  1. Access your WordPress Administration Panel by logging in. (Dashboard).
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. With that done, click Categories for blog posts.
  4. Type in the name of your new category.
  5. After that, click the Add New Category button.
Click the Publish button.

Creating a Blog post

  1. Access your WordPress Administration Panel by logging in. (Dashboard).
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. Click the Add New tab.
  4. Type in your post content.


Examine the list of shortcodes included with the themes:

Fetch All the Properties: [all_properties]

Fetch All the Properties By Categpory: [properties_by_cat cat_name="Add category slug"]

Fetch All the Agents: [agents]

Fetch All the Testimonials: [testimonials]


Additional Theme Addons

 How to Setup Additional Theme Addons
  • 1. The plugin must first be downloaded from the source (it will be available as a zip file named and Following that, you must visit the Plugins » Add New page in the WordPress admin area.
  • 2. Then, select the Upload Plugin button located at the top of the page.
  • 3. You'll arrive at the plugin upload page after doing this. The plugin file you downloaded earlier to your computer must be selected by clicking the Select file button in this section.
  • 4. After choosing the file, you must select the install now option.
  • 5. The plugin file from your computer will now be uploaded to WordPress, where it will be installed. After installation is complete, a notice like this will appear.
  • 6. To use the plugin after installation, click the link that says "Activate Plugin."