Store Front Pro

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File Structure

The template bundle that you downloaded is divided into various directories. Let's examine the contents of each folder:

Screenshots - contains a screenshot of a template. Not for manufacturing.

Theme - files for the WordPress theme

"transport-movers-pro. zip" - All of the files required for the theme are in this folder.

"license.txt" - includes licence information

"readme.txt" -provide details on the theme's image paths, font usage, and script usage.

BWT Key Activation

The steps for activating a BWT key are as follows.

Given that you will receive the License Key via Email, use that key to Activate License.

Use the procedure below to Activate License.

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >>BWT Key Activation>>Enter Key>>Save Changes.

The key after entering it >> Activate Licence.

After you Activate Licence,After the key is operational, you can begin using the theme.

This will enable you to turn on your Licence Key.

Template Installation

Installing a template is a simple process. There are two ways to complete the installation process.

1-To install a theme using WordPress admin, follow these steps:

First, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.

1. Next, navigate to the "Appearance" menu and select "Themes."

2. Once you are on the themes page, click on the "Add New" button located at the top of the page.

3. To upload a theme, click the button.

4. Choose your car-dealer-pro theme by clicking the Browse button, and then click the Install Now button.

5. Once that your theme has been installed, WordPress will display a success message and a link to activate it or view a live preview, as shown here.

Congrats! Your theme has been installed successfully.

Fetch Demo content

This theme supports the standard Site Identity area that WordPress provides, and we have added some options to this section.

How to configure a home page

Setup "Home page".

Set the front page:Go to Setting -> Reading --> Set the home page as the post page display static page.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Home Page Settings

When you're finished, you can view the entire demo on the top page.


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