BWT Key Activation
The BWT Key Activation procedure is as follows.
Because you will receive the License Key on your
Email, use that key to Activate
Follow the following Process to Activate License.
Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >>BWT Setup Wizard>>Enter Key>>Next
After Entering The Key >> Activate Licence.

After you Activate Licence,the key will be active and then you can Getstarted with
the Theme.

Import Demo

In this way you can activate your Licence Key.
Template Installation
The installation of a template is a simple process. There are two methods for installing the software.
1-Install a theme using wordpress admin
The first step is to log into your WordPress admin area. Then, click on
1.Go to the menu Appearance >> Themes
2.Once you've arrived at the themes page, click the
Add New button at the top.
3. Click on upload theme button.
4. Click on Browse Button then select your theme and click on install
now button.
Congratulations, your theme has been installed successfully.